Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Top 10 RPG Games

10. Fallout 3

The first time I played this game I was blown away. I couldn’t set my controller down. The setting is incredibly awesome, and the enemies are both epic and cool. This is indeed a great game.

9.  Fable 3

I am a fan of the Fable series. The characters are spectacular, the citizens are sometimes nice, and the boss fights are entertaining; that is why this game deserves to be on this list.

8. Fallout: New Vegas

Before you guys criticize me of rating this game better than Fallout 3, just ask yourself, what is not to like about this game? The weapons are magnificent, the setting is amazing, and gameplay is excellent. I highly recommend this game to any fan of RPGs

7. Mass Effect

When I discovered this game, I was amazed. I could hardly believe my eyes. It was a combination of epicness and coolness. The storyline was fantastic and the gameplay was perfect.

6. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Days before Skyrim was released, I played this game a lot. It was kind of an “Elder Scrolls marathon.” During those days, I discovered many things. One of these things was the fact that I liked the game very much. The usable weapons were awesome, and the village folks in the various cities were nice.

5. Bastion

This game is great because of many reasons. One of these reasons is the gameplay of this awesome game. 
Another because of how great all the characters are. I urge any gamer to play this game, for you will like it.

4. Borderlands

When I bought this game and played it for the first time, I immediately liked it. Two or three days later I knew that I had found the perfect game. Why you may ask? It is awesome in all ways. I strongly recommend this game.

3. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

There was only one word that I could say when I played Skyrim for the first time…Wow. The graphics of this game was cool, the enemies were ridiculously awesome, and the storyline was ludicrously spectacular.

2. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

As a fanatic of the Elder Scrolls series I have to say, this is by far my favorite game in the series. The lore is both amazing and spectacular, the playable races are awesome, and the inclusion of Dwemers is cool.

1. Mass Effect 2

Firstly, I want to say that this game is my favorite in the Mass Effect series. It is incredibly entertaining and the characters are extremely awesome. The dialogue is perfect, and the weapons are cool. Once again, I recommend this game to any fan of RPG games

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